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Complex Weavers volunteers

  • 28 September 2019 12:05 PM
    Message # 7906989

    Complex Weavers Seminars will be next July in Knoxville, immediately preceding Convergence. The Complexity exhibit is one of the highlights. Bettes Silver-Schack is the exhibit chair and is looking for someone to help her with taking down the exhibit and shipping back the entries.

    In her words: "The exhibit is open during Convergence from Friday July 24th- Monday July 27th.  Ideally I would like someone to take on the task of striking it on Monday night or Tuesday morning and then making sure the items are dispatched via UPS or FedEx.  Exhibitors are required to supply return packing materials and also pre paid shipping labels, so that part should be easy.”

    If you are going to Convergence and interested in helping out, please contact Bettes directly at

Physical Address:

408 Depot Street, #100 | Asheville, NC 28801

Mailing Address:

30 N. College Street | Weaverville, NC 28787

828.774.5134 |

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