I knit…a lot and have 28 WIPs right now. I quilted obsessively for almost 40 years, now…sometimes, and I make clothes sometimes—wish I made more time. And baskets. I love baskets.
What do you love most about Local Cloth?
One of the first times I worked in the shop, two of the folks who rented space there were comparing notes and sharing expertise. It blew me away. I remember stopping by the Kaffe Fassett booth at the International Quilt Show in Houston and I asked if I could take a picture and the person there said, so you can copy it? So suspicious and I’ve found that suspicion in a lot of organizations. Here at the studio were people sharing techniques and where they got the materials at the best price. The collaborative and supportive atmosphere made me feel like I’d found my people. And I have heard that a lot in various groups who meet here. It’s our superpower.
Why do you serve on the Local Cloth Board?
I serve on the Board…because I was asked…because I believe that when I get something from someone I need to return the honor plus some…I like being on the inside (sometimes!) What do I bring to the organization? Perspective? Willingness? Enthusiasm? Humor?
CO-CHAIR | 2025 - 2026
TERM | 2025 - 2028
What are your fiber art areas of practice?
Knitting, Sewing, Dyeing, Crocheting, Weaving, etc.
What do you love most about Local Cloth?
I love that it is a community of interest within a community of place.
Why do you serve on the Local Cloth Board?
Local Cloth is the best place for me to provide service to my community.
The community of deeply knowledgeable folks who share the wisdom of fiber.
Why do you serve on the Local Cloth Board?
I serve because Local Cloth gives so much, and this is my way to give back. I bring lots of experience with managing projects and getting things done.
SECRETARY | 2025 - 2026
TERM | 2025 - 2028
What are your fiber art areas of practice?
Quilting, knitting, crocheting, hand embroidery, slow stitching, and garment sewing.
What do you love most about Local Cloth?
Local Cloth is a community of amazing farmers, creators, and teachers who inspire me to learn and grow my skills as a fiber artist.
Why do you serve on the Local Cloth Board?
Serving on the Board for Local Cloth allows me to express my creativity. It's an honor to bring my experience to the board and I am thankful for the opportunity to support a community so important to me.
TREASURER | 2025 - 2026
TERM | 2025 - 2028
I have operated my own Accounting and Income Tax business for the past 37 years. Prior to that I worked for GTE. I have a BSBA in Accounting and Finance from Western Carolina University. I thoroughly enjoy getting involved in my community and have been an active member of several established organizations within the state of North Carolina and on a national level. Those organizations include the North Carolina Community Foundation, National Association of Tax Professionals, Macon County Community Development Council, Lupus Foundation of America, and the Macon County Community Funding Board. I have held various positions with these organizations. I have been married for 48 years and live in Franklin, NC. We have two sons (one deceased), one granddaughter, and two great grandchildren. I have a love for all things fiber. I am honored to have been asked to serve on this Board and hold the position of Treasurer. I am very excited about this opportunity.
TERM | 2023 - 2026
What are your fiber art areas of practice?
Knitting, weaving, sewing and quilting.
What do you love most about Local Cloth?
Why do you serve on the Local Cloth Board?
I enjoy the challenge of keeping Local Cloth fiscally sound. It’s interesting to understand the inner workings of the organization.
TERM | 2025 - 2028
What are your fiber art areas of practice?
Weaving, and sewing, with occasional stops in knitting, crochet, embroidery, bead weaving and basketry
What do you love most about Local Cloth?
I've been so impressed by the leadership and the members of this dynamic community. Every time I attend an event or visited Local Cloth, I came away feeling inspired.
Why do you serve on the Local Cloth Board?
I hope to help support the organization in any way that I can, and I hope that my contributions as Membership Chair will fulfill my goal of forging connections
TERM | 2024 - 2027
What are your fiber art areas of practice?
Weaving, Knitting, Felting
What do you love most about Local Cloth?
I love how Local Cloth is a place to explore the fabrics of the Blue Ridge Fibershed. I love how Local Cloth is a place for gathering, learning, sharing and connecting people and fabric skills across generations and time.
Why do you serve on the Local Cloth Board?
Organizational development has been my professional course. I can help provide a strong warp on which the community can weave the weft.
TERM | 2023 - 2026
What are your fiber art areas of practice?
I'm a spinner, dyer, knitter and papermaker; I also enjoy teaching all of these things.
What do you love most about Local Cloth?
I love that we invented the type of place we want to visit, with all of the things we like to do. I love that we have 500 members who've found "their tribe," and are bringing more people here all the time. I love that we're a learning community and volunteer-led.
Why do you serve on the Local Cloth Board?
My superpower is being able to make dreams come true in a nonprofit environment. I worked for a national public interest group - The Council of State Governments - to develop solutions to the Farm Crisis in the 1980s. I helped the US Small Business Administration create partnerships with states to help grow rural small companies. In the 1990s and 2000s I created a program to connect university faculty and non-profits to improve the lives of children, families and communities throughout Florida. And in 2010 I came to Western North Carolina to help small towns revitalize their communities by partnering with artists.
TERM | 2024 - 2027
What are your fiber art areas of practice?
Primarily felting (wet, needle, nuno), eco-printing and basketry
What do you love most about Local Cloth?
Having an organization where I can be surrounded by like-minded people who are so creative and enthusiastic about their craft, learn new things, and bring together and support farmers and artists in the shop.
Why do you serve on the Local Cloth Board?
I serve because I am Chair of the Retail Committee. I also keep the rest of the Board apprised of what is happening in the shop. I like to think that I bring insights about the Local Cloth mission and how we are meeting the goals of the Strategic Plan.
TERM | 2025 - 2028
Jude Stuecker is a studio artist with over 20 years of experience making art quilts and a successful line of art clothing. She grew up in Louisville, Kentucky and learned how to sew from a traveling puppeteer when she was 9 years old. Later she moved to Asheville, NC to study Biology and English at Warren Wilson College, sewing all the while. Extensive traveling inspired her, in addition to several classes at Penland and Arrowmont Schools of Craft. She's served on the Board of the Southern Highland Craft Guild, teaches classes, and is part owner of Ariel Craft Gallery in downtown Asheville. Focused on surface design, all of her projects start as white fabric before dying, printing, cutting and sewing. She lives and works in Asheville, NC with her husband and two daughters.