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Juried Craft Fairs

  • 14 December 2018 10:21 AM
    Message # 6959706

    Hi Fellow Fiber Artists:

    I am relatively new to this area.  I used to sell my fiber crafts at several juried craft fairs in Vermont and New Hampshire.  I'm just getting back into selling my crafts (hand-dyed and sewn items) and would like to start selling at fairs again.  Knowing that I will have to apply, I'm hoping to put together a list of the best fairs in the area to get that process going.  Is anyone willing to share their list of the best fairs to consider?  OR can anyone direct me to a web source that would list these events and how to apply?  Thanks so much for helping out a fellow fiber artist.

    Nancy Gamble

Physical Address:

408 Depot Street, #100 | Asheville, NC 28801

Mailing Address:

30 N. College Street | Weaverville, NC 28787

828.774.5134 |

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