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In search of someone to finish a partially done embroidery project for $

  • 25 February 2025 1:28 PM
    Message # 13467533
    Susette Shiver (Administrator)

    This request reached me.  Contact me if you are willing!! Susette Shiver

    “Hi...  I'm looking for someone with embroidery experience who would be willing to finish a project....  Is there anyone in your organization who would take on such a thing?

    An elderly (92!) lady I work for has an unfinished, first attempt, project that was begun by her artist/musician daughter 20+ years ago.  The daughter died unexpectedly shortly after she drew the design on a pillow case and began embroidering it.  (The area left to finish is about half the area of a standard size pillow case.) 

    Now, years later, the older lady found the project and hopes that someone can finish it.  She actually is a master-quilter and would love to finish it herself, but her eyesight is now "too bad to even thread a needle", as she laments daily.

    Please let me know if you can think of anyone that would be interested in finishing this....  The lady expects to pay for the services, naturally!  She lives here in Hendersonville, NC, so someone in this general area - WNC  -  would be ideal.... 

    Thank you!

    Kathy Flodin”

Physical Address:

408 Depot Street, #100 | Asheville, NC 28801

Mailing Address:

30 N. College Street | Weaverville, NC 28787

828.774.5134 |

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