Beginning Papermaking Studio set up for sale--$600
Asheville, NC Pick Up Only
The set up includes—
2 weights for the Hydraulic Press, 2 custom boards 15 x 20
54 x 20 height and width of press
1 classic laid mould and deckle, custom made
18 Blankets 12 x 18
1 Large black vat
10 extra large blankets 26 x 19
Miscellaneous sized blankets
2-7 x 10 mould and deckles
1-10 x 13 mould and deckle with matching size envelope deckle
2-7 1/2 x 11 ½ mould and deckle
2-16 x 11 mould and deckle
2-22 x 151/2mould and deckle
6 plywood boards=14 x 18
Contact Pam at